What is a Preposition? Examples and Tips

Essay Writing

19th September 2024

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Prepositions are small but essential components of English grammar, helping us convey relationships between words in a sentence. Whether you’re studying for an exam, writing an essay, or simply looking to improve your English, understanding prepositions can significantly enhance the clarity and precision of your communication. In this blog post, we’ll explore what a preposition is, delve into the concept of prepositional phrases and clauses, and provide examples to solidify your understanding.

What is a Preposition?

A preposition is a word used to show the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other elements in a sentence. Prepositions often indicate relationships of direction, location, time, or manner. They help establish connections between different parts of a sentence, offering context that enhances meaning.

What is a preposition example?
Consider the sentence:
“The book is on the table.”

In this sentence, “on” is the preposition, indicating the relationship between the book (noun) and the table (another noun). The preposition “on” tells us where the book is located in relation to the table.

Common Prepositions

Before diving into more complex aspects like prepositional phrases and clauses, it’s important to familiarise yourself with some common prepositions:

  • Location: in, on, at, above, below, near, between, under
  • Time: before, after, during, since, until
  • Direction: to, from, towards, into, across, along
  • Manner: by, with, through

These are just a few examples, but they are the most frequently used prepositions in English.

What is a Prepositional Phrase?

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with the object of that preposition (usually a noun or pronoun). Prepositional phrases provide additional details about the main action or subject in a sentence.


  • The cat is sleeping under the bed.

Here, “under the bed” is a prepositional phrase. “Under” is the preposition, and “the bed” is the object. Together, the phrase tells us where the cat is sleeping.

Prepositional phrases often answer questions like “where,” “when,” and “how,” adding important information to sentences without being overly complex.

Common Uses of Prepositional Phrases

Prepositional phrases serve various purposes in a sentence, such as:

  • Location: The keys are on the desk.
  • Time: I will meet you after lunch.
  • Manner: He completed the assignment with great care.

In academic writing, prepositional phrases are useful for providing concise details that enhance the clarity of your argument or description.

What is a Prepositional Clause?

While a prepositional phrase simply provides additional information, a prepositional clause can contain more complex grammatical structures. A prepositional clause is a group of words that begins with a preposition but also contains a subject and a verb, making it a more elaborate construction than a phrase.


  • I will call you after the meeting has ended.

In this sentence, “after the meeting has ended” is a prepositional clause. The preposition “after” introduces the clause, but unlike a prepositional phrase, this clause contains a verb (“has ended”) and a subject (“the meeting”). Prepositional clauses are commonly used to link actions and events in more complex sentences.

Key Differences Between Prepositional Phrases and Prepositional Clauses

Understanding the distinction between prepositional phrases and clauses is crucial in academic writing:

  • Prepositional Phrase: A simple structure with a preposition and its object, usually providing extra detail without involving a verb.
    Example: The book is on the shelf.
  • Prepositional Clause: A more complex structure containing a preposition, subject, and verb, used to connect ideas or actions within a sentence.
    Example: They left before the rain started.

How to Use Prepositions Effectively in Academic Writing

Prepositions may seem minor, but using them correctly can elevate the quality of your writing. In academic essays, they allow you to express complex ideas more clearly, establish connections between concepts, and provide necessary detail. Misplacing or omitting prepositions can lead to confusion or ambiguity, which is especially problematic in formal writing.

Tips for Using Prepositions in Academic Essays:

  • Be precise: Choose the right preposition to ensure that your meaning is clear. For example, there is a significant difference between “in” and “on” when describing location.
    The article was published in the journal.
    The book is on the table.
  • Avoid overuse: Too many prepositional phrases can clutter your writing and make it harder to read. Keep your sentences concise while ensuring that necessary details are included.
    Instead of: The report on the effects of climate change in the region was discussed at the meeting.
    Try: The report on climate change’s regional effects was discussed at the meeting.
  • Use prepositional clauses to show relationships: When discussing cause and effect or other complex relationships, prepositional clauses help you link ideas smoothly.
    We began the research after the funding was approved.

What is an Example of a Preposition in Academic Writing?

In academic writing, prepositions often help clarify relationships between ideas or provide additional details about research, data, or theories. Consider this sentence from an academic essay:

  • The experiment was conducted under controlled conditions.

Here, “under” is the preposition, and it helps specify the conditions in which the experiment took place.

Prepositions are crucial in academic contexts because they often introduce sources, indicate timing or methodology, and provide clarity in describing data or theories.

Choosing a Genuine Essay Writing Service in the UK

Understanding what is a preposition, as well as the roles of prepositional phrases and clauses, is fundamental to writing clearly and effectively. Prepositions may be small words, but they hold immense power in shaping the meaning and clarity of a sentence. Whether you’re working on an academic essay or trying to perfect your grammar, selecting a genuine essay writing service in the UK can make a big difference in the quality of your writing and your academic success in general. With so many services available, it’s important to find one that offers professional support, ethical writing practices, and reliable proofreading.

A reputable essay writing service can help ensure that your prepositions (and the rest of your grammar) are accurate, your sentences are well-structured, and your ideas flow clearly. In addition to prepositions, essay writing services often assist with topic development, editing, and formatting – all of which are key elements in academic success.

If you’re looking for expert guidance with your essays, our essay writing services are here to help. From proofreading to editing, we ensure that your academic writing is polished, professional, and grammatically sound. Get a bespoke quote today.